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Kitty got wet - 8 Year old insult


Throughout Uncharted 2 Among Thieves and Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception, the protagonist Nathan Drake can often be heard saying "kitty don't like getting wet" or kitty got drenched" this was an original line from the voice actor of Nathan Drake  - Nolan North.


North's son who was 8 at the time was playing a game on a console against Nolan. His son won and said the line Kitty got wet in reference to cats not liking water. This insult became a staple of Uncharted and Drake's character as it shows he can be immature.

In Uncharted 2 and 3 Nathan Drake can be heard saying the quote when he defeats an enemy or escapes by the skin of his teeth.

This a variation of the quote "Kitty got drenched" can e heard after completing certain waves in Uncharted 4's new Survival mode.

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